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About Life REMY

To achieve more effective results, REMY project will take advantage of the following modelling activities:

  • source apportionment modelling to better constraint key emission sources such as dust resuspension and biomass burning (CSIC receptor modelling, RSE CAMx source apportionment),
  • the integration of modelling results at different spatial and temporal scales through different tools (e.g. CTM/receptor modelling/urban modelling) testing the results in three EU cities (Milan, Barcelona, Krakow) (ALL),
  • an integrated assessment modelling to see the effect of the emission uncertainty on the air quality plan through the definition of optimal measures through RIAT+ tool ( in Po Valley (TA).

The obligatory actions for communication and for dissemination of project lessons (B1 and B2) are central in the project economy due to the stakeholder involvement on the whole REMY project and in particular on the guideline. As detailed below the stakeholder involvement will be at three levels:

  1. FAIRMODE institutional board – a particular focus will be dedicated to FAIRMODE,
  2. Territorial board – the specific regional results and implication will be shared and analysed with the stakeholder of REMY’s areas of interest (Po Valley, Catalonia, Southern Poland), a particular focus be will dedicated to PREPAIR project – TerrAria and AMAT’s involvement with different roles in PREPAIR will help the sharing of REMY’s results on the uncertainty on specific emission activities in this LIFE integrated project,
  3. Stakeholder – a more general involvement will be provided for air emission experts and modellers.

The obligatory actions: Project management (C1), After LIFE plan (C2) and monitoring of the project progress (C3) complete LIFE REMY’s structure. Each partner is involved as a leader of one implementation action and of one mandatory action (B or C). TerrAria as coordinating beneficiary has in charge of the integration of the project results translating
them in operational recommendation in the A6 action for a total of two implementation actions. This well-balanced pattern helps both the technical contribution of all the partners on the main goal of the guidelines and the management of the project. Subcontracting is forecasted for high-quality
contribution (e.g. RAMBOLL for CAMx uncertainty reduction, VITO to provide a specialized contribution
on the guidelines).

Expected results

The main project objective is to provide updated, comprehensive and harmonized recommendations that can support modelling groups in reducing modelling uncertainties and therefore contribute to better development, implementation and evaluation of air quality assessment, air quality plans and source apportionment in the framework of the Ambient Air Quality Directives.
Through specific simulations, both at the regional and urban level, in three different EU

  1. Quantitative results on the impact of the uncertainty (i.e. on emission and modelling) on air quality estimates and related performances in three areas Po-Valley/Milan, Southern Poland/Krakow, Catalonia/Barcelona (regions and urban areas). The uncertainty will be estimated on both the BASELINE and the COVID19 SCENARIO evaluating the sensitivity to the uncertainty in emission inventories before and after the application of project recommendations, through regional CTM modelling (Po-Valley and Catalonia – RSE, Southern Poland – IEP-NRI), RM – receptor models (Milan, Krakow and Barcelona – CSIC), urban modelling (Milan and Barcelona – TA, Krakow – IEP-NRI), integrated assessment modelling RIAT+ (Po-Valley – TA). Quantitative estimations of the model performance will be mainly based on FAIRMODE
    indicators such as the modelling quality indicator (MQI) with the corresponding a standardized Modelling Quality Objective (MQO) as well additional modelling performance indicators (MPI).
  2. Operational recommendations to support the compilation of emission inventories and to reduce air quality and consequent air planning uncertainty based on:
    2.a the previous quantitative estimates on different model tools (CTM, RM, UM and IAM)
    2.b the stakeholder requirements, suggestions and contributions