Action A1
Identification of the uncertainties related to emission factors for selected activities
This action aims to quantify the uncertainty related to the atmospheric emission estimations for some activities that could affect the performances of air quality models, mostly in urban areas.
Expected results
– A set of PM emission factors from road dust resuspension evaluated in Barcelona and Milan, including the uncertainty quantification
– A set of NOx and primary (solid) PM emission factors from different domestic heating systems (gas, gas oil, biomass)
– A first estimation of the uncertainty related to the activity indicators of open waste burning (e.g. number and frequency of events)
– A first direct estimate of the PM wood oven pizzerias emission factor
– An estimate of NMVOC speciated emissions from solvent use sector in Milan (also including IVOC and SVOC emissions)
– An update of NMVOC chemical speciation from road transport and biomass burning (also including IVOC and SVOC emissions)