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  1. Data acquisition (IEP-NRI team) 
    • Emission data: EMEP data for 2017 and for 2019 
    • Proxy data: Corine Land Cover ( land-cover), OSM (, Airport Operations Database  (, Ship density (https://www.emodnet, Large combustion plants ( and-maps/data/industrial-reporting-under-the-industrial-6) 
  2. Offline methodology (IEP-NRI team)
    The methodology aims to create a framework for relocating emission data from low resolution to high-resolution grids, tested on EMEP data, initially at a 0.1°x0.1°  resolution, and successfully relocates it to resolutions of 0.025°x0.025°, 0.01°x0.01°,  and 0.005°x0.005°. This process relies on proxy data such as Corine Land Cover and  Open Street Map, ensuring the preservation of total emission loads and accurate categorization by GNFR sectors. The methodology is scalable and adaptable to various datasets and includes sector-specific proxy data from sources like the Airport  Operations Database, ship density data, and large combustion plant data to enhance accuracy. The offline methodology was successfully tested in a few regions (Poland,  Catalonia, Po Valley) before implementation. 
  3. Prototype of the tool (IEP-NRI team)
    In the first stage of the project, we designed the structure of the tool using technologies such as PostgreSQL for user and data management databases, Golang for APIs, Python for a Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF server, and React for the front end. The prototype  version provided features for anonymous users, including relocated data at three  resolutions, original EMEP data, GNFR categories A-K, several pollutants, the WGS84  coordinate system, datasets for 2017 and 2019, and data available for download in TIFF  and Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF formats with two colour scale 
  4. The final version of the tool (IEP-NRI team and external company) 
    The final version of the tool is accessible through, where relocated emission data for the entirety of Europe can be readily downloaded by any interested individual; however, the functionality to merge user inventory with the  EMEP inventory is reserved exclusively for registered users). Key features of this online web tool include the ability to easily download high-resolution emission data for  Europe, select specific areas for detailed data download, and upload and integrate user specific emission data with high-resolution data in chosen areas. The data available through the portal is based on the EMEP emission inventory, with sources from 2017  EMEP and 2019 EMEP, offering relocated data at three resolutions (0.025, 0.01, 0.005),  covering pollutants such as BaP, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, NVOC, SOx, and NH3, and provided in the WGS84 coordinate system, available for download in TIFF and Cloud  Optimized GeoTIFF formats. 
  5. Modelling results based on relocated data (IEP-NRI team and RSE team) 
    Modelling results for two regions in Southern Poland and the Catalonia region have been presented. In each case, comparisons were made between two scenarios, one based on original EMEP emission and the second one based on data obtained from action A2.  Additionally, for the SPL domain, a scenario based on local inventory emission data was conducted. Improvement in results is evident in each domain when comparing scenarios based on relocated emissions and original EMEP emissions.