Action A6
Guideline and recommendations on the compilation of emission inventories
The main objective of the Action is to deliver a state-of-the-art guidance document with the recommendations (supported by quantitative estimates based on Actions A1-A5 results) on the compilation of emission inventories to reduce the impact of their uncertainty and of air dispersion models on the air quality planning. To investigate the impact of this uncertainty from another point of view, an integrated assessment modelling, RIAT+ tool will be applied in the Po Valley domain to evaluate the variation of the optimal air quality plan(i.e. the list of the “best” abatement measures selected by RIAT+ to minimize costs and optimize air quality) with or without the improved emission inventory based on the REMY recommendations.
Expected results
The overall aim of this project is to identify the main causes of the discrepancies in air quality modelling and, by quantitatively testing a different hypothesis, draw and test recommendations on best practices on the compilation of emission inventories, with particular reference to:
– the integration and harmonization of urban/regional emission inventories
– emission estimates for (I) Resuspension Emissions from Road Traffic, (II) Solid residential/”pizzeria” burning, (III) open waste combustion
– modelling of emission and formation processes involving primary and secondary organic particulate generation
– multiscale modelling in urban areas based on both CTM and local modelling.
The Action will be organized in different tasks which span the lifetime of the project and which can be summarized as the elaboration, evaluation and finalization of the guidance document.