Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, M.P.
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, ES)
CSIC is the Spanish National Research Council, a Public Research Organisation, the scientific institution of reference in Spain and one of the most prominent in the European Research. The CSIC presents a large participation in European programmes as FP7, LIFE, INTERREG, EMRP, RFCS, or ERANET as coordinators and associated beneficiaries. The Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) is the CSIC’s reference centre on environmental (Water & Air) research (IDAEA, ES).
IDAEA is an environmental science institute devoted to the study of the footprint of the chemical changes our species is imposing on the biosphere and has been recognized with the prestigious ‘Severo Ochoa’ Center of Excellence Award. This recognition places IDAEA in the list of the top research centers in Spain and the only one dedicated exclusively on environmental research.
IDAEA-CSIC is the main contributor of the Air quality improvement plan for Spain AIRE 2013-2016 https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/calidad-y-evaluacion-ambiental/temas/atmosfera-y-calidad-delaire/calidad-del-aire/planes-mejora/; IDAEA-CSIC members are continuously advising National, regional and local authorities in Spain for their air quality plans (Madrid, Barcelona, Vallés Oriental County among many others). IDAEA-CSIC expertise in receptor modelling evolved from PCA rapidly to CMB, PMF up to innovative hybrid multi-linear engine (ME) scripts, for >50 locations among Spain, Europe, Mexico or China, among others. By the year 2000, our team was already an international reference on aerosol chemical speciation techniques. Specifically, targeted sources for Southern Europe are Saharan dust outbreaks and non-exhaust traffic emissions (brake and tire wear, road dust), for which we developed innovative quantification tools. The group leads the COLOSSAL COST action, which is aimed to the improvement of source apportionment of submicrometric particles, https://www.costcolossal.eu/. The group is co-author of the EU Guide on source apportionment by receptor modelling (JRC-FAIRMODE) and organizes since 2006 the international PMF training course, with more than 40 students per year.